Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Random Circle Time

I picked up Carter from preschool yesterday, and following is another random thought he decided to share out loud with his entire class...including his teacher...

Carter: I have "chee chee cha nas" (his word for boobs). My mom doesn't have "chee chee cha nas" because she has boobs, but I have "chee chee cha nas" see! (lifting up his shirt to show everyone)

Makes me a little nervous about what could come out of his mouth next...

Little Carter with his friend Braden from this little guy...


  1. You just never know what is going on in those brains of theirs...

  2. Yes. It's very scary to think of the things they might be saying when we're not around... And where the heck did he come up with that word??? Too funny!!!!

    P.S. You're prize is off in the mail first thing in the a.m. I finally got my pukey ass of the couch today. Sorry about that. I suck. I know it. I embrace it.

  3. ... LOL! :)

    that's just flat out hilarious. he's a creative one!
