Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Random Bits of Information

Coco...I apologize in advance if this post in any way shape or form resembles your "Random Friday" posts. I'll buy you a bottle glass of wine in Fredericksburg.

1.  The painting is done. Have you ever painted over a booger? I have now. Gross. The repairs have been made. How did our boys manage to rip the toilet paper holders off the wall in both of their bathrooms? Flowers have been planted. I don't enjoy yard work, but I love how it looks when it's done. We're ready. Our realtor and friend, Joe Cloud, is coming over tonight to list our house.

2. Spring sports are in full swing in Soladayland. Last week we had something every.single.night but received a break this go round with only 3 out of 5 nights booked.

3. I went out to recess duty yesterday, and when I came back to my classroom for my lunch break, my sweet hubby surprised me and was sitting at my desk with lunch from Pei Wei. Yum....him and the food.

4. Carter has been begging me to change his name to Alvin lately. I have no idea why.

5. When we were doing one of those little questions from the "Family Dinner Questions" jar the other night, the question was, "If you had to have a disability, would you choose to be blind, deaf, or confined to a wheel chair?" It was amazing to hear everyone's perspective of what really matters to them.

6. Austin has been breaking out on his face lately. Zits scare me....not because they're gross but because of all that comes along with zits starting to appear.

7. There are only 45 school days left this year. Hello summer.

Have a fantastic Wednesday!!


  1. Summer is approaching quickly! Love it!
    Hope you enjoyed your lunch AND the company!
    Alvin, huh?! Maybe from the Chipmunks? I have no idea!

  2. Nothing like my random Friday. Not gross or embarrassing enough.

    Alvin? Weird.

    Toilet paper thingies ripped off walls? My three year old mananged it in his bathroom. I don't understand.

    Painting over boogers. Done it. And I have painted over dried baby food and spit up. No joke.

  3. My son got his first zit the other day, and it was right on the tip of his nose! He loved that!

    I can't believe school is almost over.
