It is Friday, and it has been a hella long week here in Soladayland.
1. We still do not have a house to move into in 15 days, and can I just make a quick comment about this issue....or just vent like a "crazy" for a minute? Thanks.
REALTORS: I know you don't make as much money leasing a house as you do when you sell one, but family needs a home in 15 days, so PLEASE return phone calls to my realtor, respond to lease offers, have some common, professional courtesy!!! We put in an offer on a lease home in Prosper 36 hours ago, and nothing, nada, zilch, no response as of yet! I know today is the deadline for the buyers credit, so you're probably holding out for an offer to purchase said property...but please don't leave us hanging for what feels like eternity any longer.
Thank You.
2. We're heading over to the Rand's tonight with our crew for fajitas and all the that how you spell it? Should be lots of fun for the whole fam! Per Coco's suggestion, I'm going to haul home after work and make some of these bad daddies:
¡Perfecto para una pequeña fiesta mejicana!
3. All of our Painted Lady caterpillars have shed their exoskeletons and formed their chrysalis! Even Ryan had to admit how really cool it has been watching the whole cycle take place. I mean, how do they know exactly what to do and when to do it? Crazy. Within the next 5 to 7 days, the butterflies should begin to emerge, and the mind boggling metamorphosis will have come full circle and be complete. Super cool.
4. Four words: PACKING.All.WEEKEND.LONG.
5. Do you want to know how you know when you have a good man? I'll tell you. When he will go and sit in a spa full of women and partake in a pedicure with you. Did I mention that Ryan did this with me last Friday? No, I didn't because he was afraid of the backlash he knows he will receive at the office when word gets out.
Go ahead, Luke. I know you're dying to tell Ryan his toes are looking well groomed. Go ahead. I give you permission.
6. I am so excited because Coco is pimpin' a sista out.
Remeber the frames I made her forever ago?
Well, a friend of hers owns a precious boutique called Smartie Pantz, and while at Coco's house, she saw my frames, wants to order 4 for herself, and wanted to know if I was interested in wholesaling some so she could carry them in her store! How cool is that!
Really cool.
7. Rielle Hunter and John Edwards disgust me. Did you see Oprah's interview? Hunter claims they're in love? Really? I wasn't aware that real love ever came out of infidelity? Oh, that's because it doesn't. What was even more disturbing was listening to her vehemently try to justify the affair:
"Love takes over and rights the wrong"
Whateva, freak.
That poor, sweet, little, innocent baby born into a dysfunctional mess. Screw up your own lives, jackos, but PLEASE quit procreating. I have a feeling that baby wasn't much of an "accident" though. Women like her have "accident" babies to "get" a man.
That's it. That's all I have!
We're looking forward to wonderful family weekend and hope yours is just as great!
Happy Friday!!!