Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My Love Affair With Pinterest

Are y'all sick of me talking about Pinterest?
If you are, you probably should exit out of this post so as not to further sicken yourself.
I seriously can't get enough of this site.
It changes every single day.
All day.
One question though.
Why the weird name, Pinterest?
I get the "pin" part, but what's the meaning behind the rest?
Someone please tell me so I can sleep at night.

Some totally smart person just explained the name to me.
Just in case you were wondering the same thing,
it's Pin-Interest.
You know, your interests, what you're interested in.
I spent 4 years in college and still couldn't figure that one out.

Moving on to the 3 things I am obsessed with this week on Pinterest.
I sound like Andy Cohen from Watch What Happens Live.
Love him.

1. Crockpot Tortilla Soup

I "stole" this recipe from Pinterest on Monday,
dumped all the ingredients in the crockpot on Tuesday before I left for work
and came home to the most incredible smell around 3:30.
To say the kids loved it, is an understatement.
They licked their bowls clean last night.
Hello, sassy bowl of greatness.
We'll be seeing you again real soon.
Let me know if you want the recipe.

2. Giant Scarecrow

I found this big guy on "Pin"...that's what I'm going to call Pinterest from here on out...last week,
and it was love at first sight.
I said to myself, "I can do that".
And I did.
I think it turned out pretty cute.

3. Halloween Character Banner

Remember when I showed y'all a preview of these awhile back?
Well, I made one for home and one for my classroom,
but the office staff liked it so much,
they hung it up in the office!
One first grade teacher even had her students replicate it
and incorporated it into a mini lesson.

Pin is awesome!
There are so many great ideas.
"They" say that imitation is the best form of flattery,
so to the creators of all this fun stuff,
be flattered and thank you!!
Now, friends, go pin some stuff!

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Totally Lame

"Here's the story of a crafty lady"
"Who was bringing up 3 very lovely boys.
All of them had hair of gold, like their mother,
the youngest was just 2"

"Here's the story, of a man named Soladay,"

"Who was busy with a little boy of his own."
"They were 2 men, living together, but they were all alone.

Till the one day when the lady met this fellow,
and they knew that it was much more than a hunch,"
"That this group would somehow form a family.
That's the way we all became:
"The Soladay Bunch,
The Soladay Bunch,
That's the way we became the Soladay Bunch."

Totally lame.
I drew these the other day...don't laugh...and couldn't resist.
Have a great week!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sweet Story & More Pinterest Love

* I came across the sweetest story on a news website today.
The title of the article was:
Couple Married for 72 Years Die Holding Hands

How precious are these two.
Gordon and Norma Yeager were in a car accident together, and both suffered life threatening injuries.
They later died in the ICU holding each other's hands.
The couple's son had this to say about their passing moments...

"It was really strange, they were holding hands, and dad stopped breathing but I couldn't figure out what was going on because the heart monitor was still going," said Dennis Yeager. "But we were like, he isn't breathing. How does he still have a heart beat? The nurse checked and said that's because they were holding hands and it's going through them. Her heart was beating through him and picking it up."

I love stories like this...

Okay, so I guess I didn't click "read more" on the article to
find out the tragic injuries sustained by the
other people involved.
I should add now that my heart goes out to the families
negatively affected by this accident.

* I can't get enough of Pinterest.
There is nothing you can't find there.
Here are a few things I came across this week and had to repin:

How true is this!
EVERY teacher can relate to this.
 Boy can I vouch for this one.
Two powerful statements:

 How creative.
Bookshelves made from ikea spice racks.
The words to your first dance song.
You could use this same idea for so many things.
Love it!
 Filing this one away for future reference.

Annnnnnnd done!
Have a great rest of the week!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Random Update

Hello, friends!
Lots going on as usual.
Here's a quick random update of all the business as of late.

* This past weekend was anything but uneventful.
Two of our little guys were grounded.
Like no watching television PERIOD,
no playing outside PERIOD,
no hanging out with friends PERIOD.
Do children realize that when they are grounded,
the parents are grounded as well?!
Not only can we not take the kids to do anything fun,
although we did go out for a family lunch after Trysten's basketball game,
but we have to deal with their attitudes when they are reminded of their confinement.
To top it off, when you are in a divorce situation,
the child who is grounded tries to call the "other parent" for sympathy.
So, we let them do it.
Now, this is not to say the whole weekend was a bust.
To the contrary.
It made for a lot of family time.
A lot of which was spent on the patio playing UNO,
watching old home videos, talking about vacations we've taken and lots of memories of Pop.
Lots of memories of Pop.
Sunday was a different story because I was under the weather.
I was in bed ALL day Sunday
while Ryan did laundry, wrangled the clowns and cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner.
And that was our weekend.
I'm praying our 2 guys have learned their lesson
because I don't want to be grounded anymore.

* Speaking of being in bed all day Sunday,
I watched a lot of trash TV.
A lot.
I watched parts 1 and 2 of the whole Kim Kardashian's wedding.
That was a huge undertaking.
I also watched part 1 of The Real Housewives of New Jersey Reunion.
Did yáll see that mess?
It was out of control.
Teresea has been blacklisted out of the family.
Because she's crazy.
I could go on, but I won't.

* See this little guy:
I love him.
And he loves school.
Look at him writing word problems for me to solve.
Makes a mama happy.
Speaking of school,
I transferred him to where I'm teaching all year.
We are only 2 doors apart,
and I cannot tell you how fun it is to see him every day.
It doesn't get much better.

Are yáll still here?
I'll be back with more later, but for now, it's Sudafed and bed time!
Happy Monday!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Anniversary Weekend!

Ryan and I had such a great time in Florida this past weekend!
Lots of time in the sun, sand and the occasional hurricane-like weather conditions.
Hold on for the recap!

On Thursday, our actual anniversary, I flew in to Fort Lauderdale, where Ryan had a driver pick me up and take me back to the hotel to meet him after his workday was over.
{He had been in Boca Raton all week on business.}
I walked into our hotel room, and Ryan had arranged for a dozen red roses to be delivered.
Of course he did.
He's that good. =)
 Later that day, I finally got to meet Ryan's new boss and was able to
put faces to names of coworkers of Ryan's from literally all over the world.
Total blast.
The next day, Ryan and I left Boca Raton and headed for our hotel in Fort Lauderdale.
Welcome to Fort Lauderdale Beach!
It was beautiful!
The view from our balcony:

We spent the whole day between the hotel pool and the beach.

We officially celebrated our anniversary on Friday night at our favorite spot,
YOLO, from the last time we visited Fort Lauderdale.
You Only Live Once
 Tuna sashimi with cucumbers and seaweed salad
Coriander-shallot crusted salmon with tabouleh
 Center-cut filet with wasabi potatoes and tabouleh
Dinner was delicious, and the company was awesome!
My sweet hubby and I...yep...he's pretty darn sweet.
A perfect night.
 The next day, we woke up to hurricane-like conditions,
but that didn't stop us!

We drove down to another hot spot on the beach for lunch and to watch some college football!
Lulu's Bait Shack
One of our favorites!
What else do you eat during a college football game?
Wings of course!
We finished the day watching the Razorbacks sweep Auburn at a local sport's bar.
Another fantastic day, rain and all!

The reward came the next morning when we woke up to this weather:

Our flight didn't leaving until almost 7:00 PM, so we spent the day on the beach.
I heart this man. =)
While walking around, we came across this guy.
I'm willing to bet this isn't his first appearance on YouTube.

All good things must come to an end, and sadly we eventually had to drive back to the airport.
It really was such a great vacation!
I love that just the 2 of us can go away together and have the best time.
Can't wait to do it again.
Happy anniversary, Ryan!
I love you!

Until next time sun and sand!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Four Years Ago Today...

Four years ago today..
and I have never been happier...
As always, Ryan, thank you for being the man you are, taking care of our family and loving me the way you do. I don't know what I did to get so lucky.
I love you!

What better way to celebrate 4 years?
Four days and 3 nights in the sand and sun with my better half of course!
Today I am flying to Florida to meet Ryan for a weekend of fun!
I CANNOT wait!
Below is where we'll be "rehoneymooning".
Good times, my friends!
Have a wonderful weekend!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Thank You & My Latest Obsession

I have to start by saying thank you to everyone for the prayers for Kylee.
Her surgery went better than anyone could have hoped for.
Please keep praying for her continued recovery.
She has a long road ahead, but if anyone can do it, she can.
We love you, Kylee! obsession.
Thank you to the evil person who suggested I check it out.
Not really.
I heart it.
You can find anything and everything on there.
What in the world did we do before the Internet?!

Behold a few of the genius finds I have come across lately:

Have you ever wondered how in the world to
wear a scarf without looking like you're hitting the slopes?
I have, and look what I found?

What about trying something different with your locks?
Here you go.

Want some inspiration for a future kitchen remodel?

Hate that ugly thermostat on your wall?
Here's a genius solution.
Make lemonade out of lemons.
Why didn't I think of that?!

Are you a teacher looking for ideas to use in your classroom?
Pinterest has ém.

Want a fun and creative way to display your children's art work?
That just happened.

Don't know how to decorate your mantle for Christmas.
Now you do.

What about a genius way to capture memories from a vacation.
I'll definitely be doing this for our anniversary trip to Florida coming up in less than 3 days!

And what about some words of wisdom?
Pinterest has you covered.

The really freaky thing?
I found an image of one of my own DIY projects on Pinterest.
How did that happen?

Am I the only one obsessed?
I can't believe it took me so long
to jump on board.
You can check out more of my pins here.


Related Posts with Thumbnails

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My Love Affair With Pinterest

Are y'all sick of me talking about Pinterest?
If you are, you probably should exit out of this post so as not to further sicken yourself.
I seriously can't get enough of this site.
It changes every single day.
All day.
One question though.
Why the weird name, Pinterest?
I get the "pin" part, but what's the meaning behind the rest?
Someone please tell me so I can sleep at night.

Some totally smart person just explained the name to me.
Just in case you were wondering the same thing,
it's Pin-Interest.
You know, your interests, what you're interested in.
I spent 4 years in college and still couldn't figure that one out.

Moving on to the 3 things I am obsessed with this week on Pinterest.
I sound like Andy Cohen from Watch What Happens Live.
Love him.

1. Crockpot Tortilla Soup

I "stole" this recipe from Pinterest on Monday,
dumped all the ingredients in the crockpot on Tuesday before I left for work
and came home to the most incredible smell around 3:30.
To say the kids loved it, is an understatement.
They licked their bowls clean last night.
Hello, sassy bowl of greatness.
We'll be seeing you again real soon.
Let me know if you want the recipe.

2. Giant Scarecrow

I found this big guy on "Pin"...that's what I'm going to call Pinterest from here on out...last week,
and it was love at first sight.
I said to myself, "I can do that".
And I did.
I think it turned out pretty cute.

3. Halloween Character Banner

Remember when I showed y'all a preview of these awhile back?
Well, I made one for home and one for my classroom,
but the office staff liked it so much,
they hung it up in the office!
One first grade teacher even had her students replicate it
and incorporated it into a mini lesson.

Pin is awesome!
There are so many great ideas.
"They" say that imitation is the best form of flattery,
so to the creators of all this fun stuff,
be flattered and thank you!!
Now, friends, go pin some stuff!

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Totally Lame

"Here's the story of a crafty lady"
"Who was bringing up 3 very lovely boys.
All of them had hair of gold, like their mother,
the youngest was just 2"

"Here's the story, of a man named Soladay,"

"Who was busy with a little boy of his own."
"They were 2 men, living together, but they were all alone.

Till the one day when the lady met this fellow,
and they knew that it was much more than a hunch,"
"That this group would somehow form a family.
That's the way we all became:
"The Soladay Bunch,
The Soladay Bunch,
That's the way we became the Soladay Bunch."

Totally lame.
I drew these the other day...don't laugh...and couldn't resist.
Have a great week!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sweet Story & More Pinterest Love

* I came across the sweetest story on a news website today.
The title of the article was:
Couple Married for 72 Years Die Holding Hands

How precious are these two.
Gordon and Norma Yeager were in a car accident together, and both suffered life threatening injuries.
They later died in the ICU holding each other's hands.
The couple's son had this to say about their passing moments...

"It was really strange, they were holding hands, and dad stopped breathing but I couldn't figure out what was going on because the heart monitor was still going," said Dennis Yeager. "But we were like, he isn't breathing. How does he still have a heart beat? The nurse checked and said that's because they were holding hands and it's going through them. Her heart was beating through him and picking it up."

I love stories like this...

Okay, so I guess I didn't click "read more" on the article to
find out the tragic injuries sustained by the
other people involved.
I should add now that my heart goes out to the families
negatively affected by this accident.

* I can't get enough of Pinterest.
There is nothing you can't find there.
Here are a few things I came across this week and had to repin:

How true is this!
EVERY teacher can relate to this.
 Boy can I vouch for this one.
Two powerful statements:

 How creative.
Bookshelves made from ikea spice racks.
The words to your first dance song.
You could use this same idea for so many things.
Love it!
 Filing this one away for future reference.

Annnnnnnd done!
Have a great rest of the week!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Random Update

Hello, friends!
Lots going on as usual.
Here's a quick random update of all the business as of late.

* This past weekend was anything but uneventful.
Two of our little guys were grounded.
Like no watching television PERIOD,
no playing outside PERIOD,
no hanging out with friends PERIOD.
Do children realize that when they are grounded,
the parents are grounded as well?!
Not only can we not take the kids to do anything fun,
although we did go out for a family lunch after Trysten's basketball game,
but we have to deal with their attitudes when they are reminded of their confinement.
To top it off, when you are in a divorce situation,
the child who is grounded tries to call the "other parent" for sympathy.
So, we let them do it.
Now, this is not to say the whole weekend was a bust.
To the contrary.
It made for a lot of family time.
A lot of which was spent on the patio playing UNO,
watching old home videos, talking about vacations we've taken and lots of memories of Pop.
Lots of memories of Pop.
Sunday was a different story because I was under the weather.
I was in bed ALL day Sunday
while Ryan did laundry, wrangled the clowns and cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner.
And that was our weekend.
I'm praying our 2 guys have learned their lesson
because I don't want to be grounded anymore.

* Speaking of being in bed all day Sunday,
I watched a lot of trash TV.
A lot.
I watched parts 1 and 2 of the whole Kim Kardashian's wedding.
That was a huge undertaking.
I also watched part 1 of The Real Housewives of New Jersey Reunion.
Did yáll see that mess?
It was out of control.
Teresea has been blacklisted out of the family.
Because she's crazy.
I could go on, but I won't.

* See this little guy:
I love him.
And he loves school.
Look at him writing word problems for me to solve.
Makes a mama happy.
Speaking of school,
I transferred him to where I'm teaching all year.
We are only 2 doors apart,
and I cannot tell you how fun it is to see him every day.
It doesn't get much better.

Are yáll still here?
I'll be back with more later, but for now, it's Sudafed and bed time!
Happy Monday!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Anniversary Weekend!

Ryan and I had such a great time in Florida this past weekend!
Lots of time in the sun, sand and the occasional hurricane-like weather conditions.
Hold on for the recap!

On Thursday, our actual anniversary, I flew in to Fort Lauderdale, where Ryan had a driver pick me up and take me back to the hotel to meet him after his workday was over.
{He had been in Boca Raton all week on business.}
I walked into our hotel room, and Ryan had arranged for a dozen red roses to be delivered.
Of course he did.
He's that good. =)
 Later that day, I finally got to meet Ryan's new boss and was able to
put faces to names of coworkers of Ryan's from literally all over the world.
Total blast.
The next day, Ryan and I left Boca Raton and headed for our hotel in Fort Lauderdale.
Welcome to Fort Lauderdale Beach!
It was beautiful!
The view from our balcony:

We spent the whole day between the hotel pool and the beach.

We officially celebrated our anniversary on Friday night at our favorite spot,
YOLO, from the last time we visited Fort Lauderdale.
You Only Live Once
 Tuna sashimi with cucumbers and seaweed salad
Coriander-shallot crusted salmon with tabouleh
 Center-cut filet with wasabi potatoes and tabouleh
Dinner was delicious, and the company was awesome!
My sweet hubby and I...yep...he's pretty darn sweet.
A perfect night.
 The next day, we woke up to hurricane-like conditions,
but that didn't stop us!

We drove down to another hot spot on the beach for lunch and to watch some college football!
Lulu's Bait Shack
One of our favorites!
What else do you eat during a college football game?
Wings of course!
We finished the day watching the Razorbacks sweep Auburn at a local sport's bar.
Another fantastic day, rain and all!

The reward came the next morning when we woke up to this weather:

Our flight didn't leaving until almost 7:00 PM, so we spent the day on the beach.
I heart this man. =)
While walking around, we came across this guy.
I'm willing to bet this isn't his first appearance on YouTube.

All good things must come to an end, and sadly we eventually had to drive back to the airport.
It really was such a great vacation!
I love that just the 2 of us can go away together and have the best time.
Can't wait to do it again.
Happy anniversary, Ryan!
I love you!

Until next time sun and sand!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Four Years Ago Today...

Four years ago today..
and I have never been happier...
As always, Ryan, thank you for being the man you are, taking care of our family and loving me the way you do. I don't know what I did to get so lucky.
I love you!

What better way to celebrate 4 years?
Four days and 3 nights in the sand and sun with my better half of course!
Today I am flying to Florida to meet Ryan for a weekend of fun!
I CANNOT wait!
Below is where we'll be "rehoneymooning".
Good times, my friends!
Have a wonderful weekend!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Thank You & My Latest Obsession

I have to start by saying thank you to everyone for the prayers for Kylee.
Her surgery went better than anyone could have hoped for.
Please keep praying for her continued recovery.
She has a long road ahead, but if anyone can do it, she can.
We love you, Kylee! obsession.
Thank you to the evil person who suggested I check it out.
Not really.
I heart it.
You can find anything and everything on there.
What in the world did we do before the Internet?!

Behold a few of the genius finds I have come across lately:

Have you ever wondered how in the world to
wear a scarf without looking like you're hitting the slopes?
I have, and look what I found?

What about trying something different with your locks?
Here you go.

Want some inspiration for a future kitchen remodel?

Hate that ugly thermostat on your wall?
Here's a genius solution.
Make lemonade out of lemons.
Why didn't I think of that?!

Are you a teacher looking for ideas to use in your classroom?
Pinterest has ém.

Want a fun and creative way to display your children's art work?
That just happened.

Don't know how to decorate your mantle for Christmas.
Now you do.

What about a genius way to capture memories from a vacation.
I'll definitely be doing this for our anniversary trip to Florida coming up in less than 3 days!

And what about some words of wisdom?
Pinterest has you covered.

The really freaky thing?
I found an image of one of my own DIY projects on Pinterest.
How did that happen?

Am I the only one obsessed?
I can't believe it took me so long
to jump on board.
You can check out more of my pins here.