I love Valentine's Day.
Love it.
I haven't always felt that way,
but the last 6+ years of my life have changed all that.
Now, I'm a sucker for anything romantic and lovey dovey.
You can vomit.
It won't bother me. =)
What better way to start Love Day than with
heart shaped cinnamon rolls for the boys.
My children thank you, Pinterest.
You have to have a Valentine's box to put all your goodies in.
Here's the one I made for Carter.
Thanks again, Pinterest.
His Valentines:
My attire for today:
My students enjoyed making hearts in oil pastels to celebrate all the love.
I received some of the sweetest notes from students.
THIS is why I love my job...
And last but not least,
I made this for Ryan for Valentine's Day.
Pretty much sums it up.
Tonight, Ryan and Trysten are taking me to dinner
while my sweet boys go see their dad.
Can't think of a better way to end the day.
Happy Valentine's Day!