Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Your Turn...

In our staff meeting the other day, we had to answer the question, "If I could _______, then my life would be easier."

I said this:

"If I could quit my job and stay at home to take care of the 1.5 million tasks required to keep our family of 6 afloat, then my life would be easier."

Your Turn. What would your answer be?


starnes family said...

Easy for me:

live with my husband again!

The Jones Family said...

If I could help organize my husband and our company, my life would be easier!

Coco said...

Have a housekeeper every day.

That would be the only thing in the world I would want.

Impulsive Addict said...

If I could have a baby, then my life would be easier.

Okay...so it's not really true that my life would be easier with a lil' bay-bay but I wouldn't have to have surgery next month! =)


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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Your Turn...

In our staff meeting the other day, we had to answer the question, "If I could _______, then my life would be easier."

I said this:

"If I could quit my job and stay at home to take care of the 1.5 million tasks required to keep our family of 6 afloat, then my life would be easier."

Your Turn. What would your answer be?


starnes family said...

Easy for me:

live with my husband again!

The Jones Family said...

If I could help organize my husband and our company, my life would be easier!

Coco said...

Have a housekeeper every day.

That would be the only thing in the world I would want.

Impulsive Addict said...

If I could have a baby, then my life would be easier.

Okay...so it's not really true that my life would be easier with a lil' bay-bay but I wouldn't have to have surgery next month! =)