Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Day!

Let me start this post by saying that I have had SIX boys running through my house since since late afternoon yesterday...It's crazy, people.  When Ryan left for the office today, he laughed and said, "Have fun!".  My pantry is being raided, Ryan's Gatorade's are disappearing before my very eyes and the testosterone is seeping from the cracks in the's my world, and I love it!

We're having a record breaking snowfall, so the boys have donned their winter gear to play in the snowy landscape!  Check out the 9+ inches of accumilation!
Ed and Carol, does this look familiar?
Silly boys!
Lovin' the snow!
Our sweet boys...
Happy Friday!
Have a great Valentine's weekend!
We're kid-free for the culmination of  "Love Month"....lots of fun planned for the love birds!


The Rand's said...

Six kids. Wow!

Enjoy your valentines weekend with no kids. Totally jealous.

Shannie said...

Gotta love it when you open a blog and the first thing you see makes you go "Awwwwww!" So sweet!

Glad the boys enjoyed the snow day. Holy moly at SIX. Hope some alcohol was imbibed.

Happy v-tine's! Enjoy your day!

msprimadonna67 said...

Oh boy, that's a lotta boys! Sounds like you all are having a great time: )


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Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Day!

Let me start this post by saying that I have had SIX boys running through my house since since late afternoon yesterday...It's crazy, people.  When Ryan left for the office today, he laughed and said, "Have fun!".  My pantry is being raided, Ryan's Gatorade's are disappearing before my very eyes and the testosterone is seeping from the cracks in the's my world, and I love it!

We're having a record breaking snowfall, so the boys have donned their winter gear to play in the snowy landscape!  Check out the 9+ inches of accumilation!
Ed and Carol, does this look familiar?
Silly boys!
Lovin' the snow!
Our sweet boys...
Happy Friday!
Have a great Valentine's weekend!
We're kid-free for the culmination of  "Love Month"....lots of fun planned for the love birds!


The Rand's said...

Six kids. Wow!

Enjoy your valentines weekend with no kids. Totally jealous.

Shannie said...

Gotta love it when you open a blog and the first thing you see makes you go "Awwwwww!" So sweet!

Glad the boys enjoyed the snow day. Holy moly at SIX. Hope some alcohol was imbibed.

Happy v-tine's! Enjoy your day!

msprimadonna67 said...

Oh boy, that's a lotta boys! Sounds like you all are having a great time: )