Saturday, February 1, 2014

Hello Again!

I made a New Year's resolution to get back to blogging.
My husband tells me all the time that he misses reading it.
True story.
He sent me an email yesterday with a link to this very blog.
His message said, "look what I found..."
I gave in and tried to log in
but couldn't even remember my password.
Long story short, here I am!
I guess the best thing to do is to recap a little of
what's been going on since my last post...from APRIL!
*The boys are still the same.
I love them so!

We only have 1 child left that wants to trick or treat with us or wear a costume.
That is if you count wearing Ryan's trucker hat, with a built in mullet, a costume.
Why must they grow up so fast!?
Notice The Teenager missing in these pics?
That's pretty much par for the course these days.
He's much too busy to hang with us.
Oh, and he drives now!
It's scary, my friends.

* Ryan and I are still
living like newlyweds.
It really does keep getting better!

 I still love my job teaching elemenary art!
I even did and art camp this past summer
and can't wait to do it again this year!
*We took an incredible vacation to Destin
with my whole family in July.
The house my parents rented was awesome.
They hired a chef to come in and cook meals for us.
THAT is the way to vacation, friends!
We cannot wait to go back in August!
Memories in the making!
 They spent hours on their skim boards.
What handsome men!
 Life is always better at the beach!
 My husband, the hopeless romantic.
Love him!
We took one night out for just the siblings and spouses
while my parents corralled the pack of 9 grand kids!
Love my brother and sister!

The last night, we took some family pics on the beach.
My world right here, ladies and gentlemen:
The WHOLE family!
What a fantastic week of memory making!
See you in August, Destin!!
*Ryan and I celebrated our 6th anniversary in October
and made this little token below to commemorate the occasion.
That's a good man who will willingly take his wife to a mosaic class!
*We are renting a cute little house until
the perfect house house pops up for us to buy sometime
between now and August.
I know it's out there somewhere,
but until then, I'm having fun changing up our decor
from dark and heavy to light and happy.
Remember this ottoman?
It used to be covered in a zebra print.
I found this new fabric online at Pottery Barn
and fell in love.
Ryan thinks I'm obsessed with putting everything on trays as seen below.
Trays and faux coral.
I'm pretending we live by the beach.
A girl can dream, right?
Remember these lamps Ryan gave me over a year ago from Pottery Barn?
They finally work in our house.
The side tables also used to be black.
I stripped the paint off and stained them.
Never again.
It was a total beating.
 See....more coral.
 I bought this bar cart from Target
after Christmas and saved about $90 of the original price.
I gave Ryan the monogrammed whiskey decanter for Christmas.
In about 2 more weeks,
there will be white slip covered club chairs on either side of the bar cart.
And yes, I said white.
It's one of the perks of having older children!
You don't have to worry about sticky hands all over the furniture.
The frame with the drawing in it is one I did.
It has the words from 1 Corinthians surrounding roses.
Our rental has a great little bar area off the family room.
It really is a cute house.
 More trays =)
Everything just looks better on a tray!
When I brought this home,
Ryan thought I had lost my mind.
He gets it now.
It was even his idea to hang him here!

I used to have lots of blue and white porcelain
but sold it in a garage sale years ago.
Now I have to start all over!
Our kitchen
It's on a tray.
Love the color palette.
There will always be monograms in our house. =)
*To close out this post,
my birthday is coming up this month
which is never a big deal to me.
BUT, this year's a big one.
I have been dreading it for a long time,
but I can't wait now because my sweet husband
surprised me on Christmas with this:
He sent me on a scavenger hunt
with clues in the form of poems that he wrote himself!

The final clue led me upstairs to this:
 And this:
We're going to Vegas for my 40th!!
Turning 40 doesn't seem so bad after all!
*Well.....there it is, friends.
Our life since April.
A lot has been left out, I'm sure, but you get the gist.
So until my next post,
have a great week, friends!


Dee Stephens said...

Well, HELLO!?! Great post, I have been wondering how you all are. Love the fabric on the ottoman, the beach with chefs sounds dreamy and VEGAS!
That's our anniversary weekend and we're actually going to skiing for a short weekend.
Have fun! :)

starnes family said...

Nice to see you! Life IS actually better at the beach. :)

Love your transition from heavy to light.....I've been doing it for years, although my genre was never dark and heavy.....but more so away from browns and reds to color and whimsy. I want our house to look happy.....success!

Happy to see some old bloggers returning.....yay!

PS - Your oldest got tall quickly!

Amanda said...

I have missed you! Such a cute post! I can't believe how big the boys are, my goodness time flies! I wish I could start over and decorate, so much fun! And you'll get to do it all again when you find your dream house, good luck w/your search!

Sharon said...

Glad you're back:) missed ya:)

Gwinnie said...

Nice to see you again!!!
I'm your biggest follower from Germany ;-)
Did you get our Christmas e-Mail?

I hope you are all well

love greetings to your entire family from Jenny & Kim ♥

Anonymous said...

I love all your pics. You have a wonderful family. Wonderful kids. Wonderful husband. You really are blessed.
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Jeet Sarkar said...

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Related Posts with Thumbnails

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Hello Again!

I made a New Year's resolution to get back to blogging.
My husband tells me all the time that he misses reading it.
True story.
He sent me an email yesterday with a link to this very blog.
His message said, "look what I found..."
I gave in and tried to log in
but couldn't even remember my password.
Long story short, here I am!
I guess the best thing to do is to recap a little of
what's been going on since my last post...from APRIL!
*The boys are still the same.
I love them so!

We only have 1 child left that wants to trick or treat with us or wear a costume.
That is if you count wearing Ryan's trucker hat, with a built in mullet, a costume.
Why must they grow up so fast!?
Notice The Teenager missing in these pics?
That's pretty much par for the course these days.
He's much too busy to hang with us.
Oh, and he drives now!
It's scary, my friends.

* Ryan and I are still
living like newlyweds.
It really does keep getting better!

 I still love my job teaching elemenary art!
I even did and art camp this past summer
and can't wait to do it again this year!
*We took an incredible vacation to Destin
with my whole family in July.
The house my parents rented was awesome.
They hired a chef to come in and cook meals for us.
THAT is the way to vacation, friends!
We cannot wait to go back in August!
Memories in the making!
 They spent hours on their skim boards.
What handsome men!
 Life is always better at the beach!
 My husband, the hopeless romantic.
Love him!
We took one night out for just the siblings and spouses
while my parents corralled the pack of 9 grand kids!
Love my brother and sister!

The last night, we took some family pics on the beach.
My world right here, ladies and gentlemen:
The WHOLE family!
What a fantastic week of memory making!
See you in August, Destin!!
*Ryan and I celebrated our 6th anniversary in October
and made this little token below to commemorate the occasion.
That's a good man who will willingly take his wife to a mosaic class!
*We are renting a cute little house until
the perfect house house pops up for us to buy sometime
between now and August.
I know it's out there somewhere,
but until then, I'm having fun changing up our decor
from dark and heavy to light and happy.
Remember this ottoman?
It used to be covered in a zebra print.
I found this new fabric online at Pottery Barn
and fell in love.
Ryan thinks I'm obsessed with putting everything on trays as seen below.
Trays and faux coral.
I'm pretending we live by the beach.
A girl can dream, right?
Remember these lamps Ryan gave me over a year ago from Pottery Barn?
They finally work in our house.
The side tables also used to be black.
I stripped the paint off and stained them.
Never again.
It was a total beating.
 See....more coral.
 I bought this bar cart from Target
after Christmas and saved about $90 of the original price.
I gave Ryan the monogrammed whiskey decanter for Christmas.
In about 2 more weeks,
there will be white slip covered club chairs on either side of the bar cart.
And yes, I said white.
It's one of the perks of having older children!
You don't have to worry about sticky hands all over the furniture.
The frame with the drawing in it is one I did.
It has the words from 1 Corinthians surrounding roses.
Our rental has a great little bar area off the family room.
It really is a cute house.
 More trays =)
Everything just looks better on a tray!
When I brought this home,
Ryan thought I had lost my mind.
He gets it now.
It was even his idea to hang him here!

I used to have lots of blue and white porcelain
but sold it in a garage sale years ago.
Now I have to start all over!
Our kitchen
It's on a tray.
Love the color palette.
There will always be monograms in our house. =)
*To close out this post,
my birthday is coming up this month
which is never a big deal to me.
BUT, this year's a big one.
I have been dreading it for a long time,
but I can't wait now because my sweet husband
surprised me on Christmas with this:
He sent me on a scavenger hunt
with clues in the form of poems that he wrote himself!

The final clue led me upstairs to this:
 And this:
We're going to Vegas for my 40th!!
Turning 40 doesn't seem so bad after all!
*Well.....there it is, friends.
Our life since April.
A lot has been left out, I'm sure, but you get the gist.
So until my next post,
have a great week, friends!


Dee Stephens said...

Well, HELLO!?! Great post, I have been wondering how you all are. Love the fabric on the ottoman, the beach with chefs sounds dreamy and VEGAS!
That's our anniversary weekend and we're actually going to skiing for a short weekend.
Have fun! :)

starnes family said...

Nice to see you! Life IS actually better at the beach. :)

Love your transition from heavy to light.....I've been doing it for years, although my genre was never dark and heavy.....but more so away from browns and reds to color and whimsy. I want our house to look happy.....success!

Happy to see some old bloggers returning.....yay!

PS - Your oldest got tall quickly!

Amanda said...

I have missed you! Such a cute post! I can't believe how big the boys are, my goodness time flies! I wish I could start over and decorate, so much fun! And you'll get to do it all again when you find your dream house, good luck w/your search!

Sharon said...

Glad you're back:) missed ya:)

Gwinnie said...

Nice to see you again!!!
I'm your biggest follower from Germany ;-)
Did you get our Christmas e-Mail?

I hope you are all well

love greetings to your entire family from Jenny & Kim ♥

Anonymous said...

I love all your pics. You have a wonderful family. Wonderful kids. Wonderful husband. You really are blessed.
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Jeet Sarkar said...

I really thank you for the valuable info on this great subject and look forward to more great posts.Nice Article ,keep it up ,It is very helpful,.Instagram Usernames|WhatsApp Dares|Contact Names For Mom|One Line Captions

Haider Jamal Abbasi (iAMHJA) said...

here are several websites available over the internet. Which just place download links
Free Fire Usernames
Whatsapp Dare
Loud Updates
Jalo Bhai

Digital Dad said...

Good Morning Whatsapp Status Video

Girls Whatsapp Group Names

Digital Dad said...

Happy Birthday Wishes Status Video Download

Best Cousins Whatsapp Group Names